Help Find Margie and Ruby
I hear many stories of dog loss when making custom pet jewellery for customers. But the story of Margie and Ruby really touched my heart.
The photo is Angela with her 2 Norfolk Terriers, Margie and Ruby. Sadly, the pair were stolen back in June 2021 and Angela, along with a team of friends and family, continue to search for them.
Angela contacted me a month or so ago, enquiring about having a piece of jewellery made featuring Margie and Ruby. I gave her a quote for the work and she said she would maybe come back in the future and place an order. Our custom jewellery is a considerable purchase and I completely understood.
Then a few days later, Angela's friend Valerie got in touch. She met Angela as part of the search for the dogs and said she would like to buy Angela the necklace.
I was delighted to get to work on the pair, as I knew how special the keepsake would be for Angela. At a first glance Margie and Ruby look very similar, but as I trawled through the photos and videos on their Facebook Campaign page, I soon began to see lots of key details that made them unique.

I popped them in the post and waited to hear what Angela thought. She emailed to say:
"I’m utterly blown away. By your skill and Valerie’s kindness. Thank you so much. My husband and I both cried when we saw it. What an amazing surprise. You’ve captured their cheeky personalities so well. It is Margie and Ruby in every detail, from the coat texture and colours, to their ears, to their hobbit paws, to the mischief in their eyes. I will never take it off and always have them close to my heart, whatever the outcome of our search. I LOVE it. Angela"

I promised to spread the story of Margie and Ruby via my email list, social media and website. Here at Fresh Fleeces I feel lucky to have such a friendly and supportive group of animal lovers interacting via email and social media.
If you are able to share their story on your own social media or via any animal groups you are part of, I know Angela and Valerie will be very grateful. Somebody must know something about their disappearance.
All the contact information and lots more details can be found on their Facebook Group